Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Alright so this for as hard as it was for me to actually write my paper, its equally hard to try and explain it, but I shall try.

To start, I wanted to blur the line between dream and “reality” and blur the significance of events in each, for often dreams can be more profound or moving than what we ‘experience’ as we are awake.
I really wanted to work with the idea of metafiction, discuss how difficult it is to write about the unwritiable, and to essentially ‘disenchant’ myself.
But more importantly I wanted to relive the experience of reading Borges and becoming deeply involved. Not in the form of metafiction, because I wanted to move away from writing about writing, into writing about reading, about the few experiences of connectivity we have when we read these works that virtually envelope us. To do this I wanted to draw more and more of Borges work into my own. I felt like the normal essay uses quotes to support their argument, I wanted to use quotes but in a different fashion (the blue-possibly grey out of the non color printer- italicized words were Borges. I needed to differentiate them from my own so as not to plagiarize, but I didn’t want to break the illusion with “ “ and page #. This was also meant to allude to the ideas that my paper followed and that Borges worked with, that we all, essentially are one. We all have been Shakespeare, all Nabokov and so on. So that language is shared throughout, knowledge as a whole is shared throughout, these are all internalized…and it was part of the realization I experienced to understand this (and many more) concepts.
Then I wanted to break from the ‘read-sequence’ into a new awakening, where I was able to differentiate from his work and my own and the language was meant to be a little more clear.
It ends abruptly because I wanted to, (and was only able to) show that the conveyance of such themes is virtually not representable. To nowhere you are is to know through a way of insignificance, that being said the recognition of insignificance is in turn the recognition of total significance.