Thursday, March 25, 2010

So What?

to note: the following is more or less a yawp of ideas.

So what? This is the question that has driven all men, all things and specifically me for the past few days. I have been un able, try as I might to remove myself from this thought, I have been plagued as it were with an unquenchable obsession. So What? I do not know. But I have had the unyielding feeling, throughout my entire life, yet now it throbs and surges. The seams of my life’s fabric are beginning to strain and burst. It is as if the world has become undone. Peeled away I am become engrossed in this idea of what I supposed could be best described as the Matrix, but to even give it a name is almost laughable for it is in its nature (though it has none, has all, is none is all) unnamable.

A great deal of things-I shall call them- have cumulated over the past few years, and over the past few weeks these things have become more and more rapid and radiant. I shall try to limit them and describe them in understandable and simple means.

-For a long time, for all time We, I, All have been and are still blind.

-To recognize and the blindness is not to see, but it is a movement towards seeing.

-Every religion is the same.

-Everything is the same.

Last night I went to a lecture on William Blake, I suppose this if any is a proper place to start. We all know, or at least should be familiar with some of Blake’s work. What he was getting at, is the same idea that we, the movie the matrix, and everything essentially is leading to. The Doors of perception, and fin(again)ally what is beyond those doors. This is what has been driving me, towards enlightenment or insanity I have not yet discerned. But if we try, at least attempt to grasp this concept, we may ourselves learn to fly. "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern."

I realize more and more that this may be the absolute truth.

A lot of people speculate that Blake took drugs that induced his visions, to induce his work. Marvin Landsverk tells us no. this is wrong. I believe him. For I do not believe that it is necessary to take drugs to understand this, to read books to understand this, to have science reassure us that this is true. Though, all these things may be an avenue that lead us there, they are not completely necessary. But let us explore these avenues.

First the drugs…

Clearly Aldous Huxley was inspired by Blake. Maybe even more clearly he was inspired by drugs. (On his death bed, moments before death He asked his wife to inject him with a tremendous amount of LSD). We have to erase our negative perception of drugs for a few moments, we have to realize that our everyday functions, function on drug impulses (serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine, DMT-I will get to this later) so to disregard or in anyway devalue a so called “drug experience” is to devalue or dismiss existence as we know it (not know it?).

Anyway, Huxley wrote a few novels about the drugs experience and its door perception cleaning properties, mind ajax. Also note, in the film The Matrix, Upon Neos return to work after his initial awakening there is a scene in which he is talking to his boss, though not seeming involved in the conversation (beyond the keanu norm) and there are the repetition of squeaks, as the window washers out side clean.*

Huxley, speaking of use of drugs states, “urged and even, if necessary, compelled to take an occasional trip through some chemical Door in the Wall into the world of transcendental experience.” To see “a brief bug timeless illumination” he goes on to say “To be enlightened is to be aware, always, of total reality in its immanent otherness” and that “Our goal is to discover that we have always been where we ought to be” sound familiar? It ought to, we have read this before, not only in the Four Quartets or everything we have been reading, rather we have read this line before, in fact we have all written it. Though I want to talk about this point later, but I just picked up -after much recommendation- a collection of works by Jorge Luis Borges, he says amongst and array of profundity, “I have been Homer; soon, like Ulysses, I shall be Nobody; soon, I shall be all men-I shall be dead.”

-to interject, I must apologize for a lack of form and seeming construct, what I am trying to talk about rejects all form-

Back. In another example of connectivity, and understanding. I will tell you about a friend I have, that shared with me an experience in which he saw “the gears of the world” as he coined.

There is this South American plant, used often in religious ceremonies and shammanesq visual quest, called Ayuwaska (something like that) the active ingredient is the drug DMT, which interestingly enough is in most plants, most animals, and in all of us…yes. It is created in the brain, the pineal gland often referred to as the “Third Eye”

My friend took Ayuwaska and described the following,

“I began to here a buzzing, louder than a freight train and increasing in intensity, I remember saying something like “uh-oh” and then I was overcome. The buzzing soon was felt in the center of my mind, my third eye, the vibrations I heard and felt throughout my body were mirrored in my third eye, pulsing on the same pattern. I first saw lighting bolts shooting out of everything and tying all things together, as I looked closer the lighting bolts became crazy geometric patterns, almost like fractals with no end or beginning, just expanding upon themselves, but they were all intertwined wither everything, every aura was an extension of another and all was tied by blue-electric-geometric- fractals. I then tried to meditate, and I felt my mind soaring through time and space and I saw that time and space were only illusionary .I was shooting through infinity. It was very intense.”

This is very similar to a lot of what Huxely has to say, and Leary and all the other gurus, There are books upon this subject.

The drug DMT, as I said before is in almost everything, but it is most importantly present in our minds. There is a Dr. Straussmen, (I believe that is his name) has done extensive research on this drug and has concluded, that the drug is released in the mind and the moment of birth, of death, and every night when we dream.

If this is true, and I could really spend weeks discussing this, but if this is true and just try and comprehend this, then at our “birth” and “death” and our entrance and departure from this world, we are exposed to the true gears of the world, then the line between birth and death become far more blurred, and the idea of awakening of birth is far more interesting. In dreams too, we are experiencing this otherworld. We enter another dimension of our capable mind. Then term “it was all a dream” become far more than an easy way to end short story.

-I really am un able to discuss this in its wholeness, and I feel that it is necessary for us to meditate upon this individually-

But think about this, and Finnegans Wake, about lucid dreaming, about…I don’t know, everything. What it means to dream, to wake, to die, to be born. This is an avenue to the truly infinite world that Blake was talking about.

Another interesting thing: Lucid dreaming. Has anyone ever seen Waking Life? You should. In it, it talks about the capability to lucid dream, that is to balance the unconscious self with the conscious mind, that is to balance the DMT in our minds, to flirt with the Doors of Perception.

Now think about Egypt.

-Heavy emphasis on this idea of the third eye

- The other worlds

Now, my knowledge, (at least the knowledge I remember, for if I truly subscribe to this idea, I and everyone has absolute knowledge, we just forgot)

When, in ancient Egypt, pharos died, they would have to pass through the underworld and accomplish a long series of tasks and trials described to them, but the “book of the dead” in order to get into the afterlife.

To pass through this test, the deceased must maintain focus, not forget, keep the balance going, hold their breath until they get through all their trials, without missing a beat, essentially maintain the lucid dream, do not wake, do not fall.

Another interesting thing: I watched this film recently called What the Bleep do We Know? In it, they described that when an molecule, or atom…one of those tiny things is created, they can take one if its electrons and bring it to the other end of the universe, then enact a charge onto another at the very other end of the universe, and both will respond, instantly. Damn. So this means that either information can travel and a pure infinite speed, or that the idea, or perception of space and time are illusionary. And, If we are to believe that all things were created at one moment, “The Big Bang” from one thing, than we are all connected to all things, and the space and time we perceive is an illusion of separation. Damn.

Also, this film discussed how they have recorded one object in 3,000 places at one time. NO JOKE. Not split up, but just in 3,000 places at once. The double slit experiment is also wicked crazy, but I don’t really have the patience to discuss it here. Just check it out on google, it will twist your cap back. --crazy.

Ok, so back to the so what?

So what, they succeed in turning lead into gold. Though unimportant in the grand scheme, it is entirely important in the grand scheme.

For it is scientific, empirical evidence (for those who need the reassurance) that lead and gold are one, or perhaps that there is no lead, and there is no gold. And what is the obsession with gold and all that shit anyway? I don’t really get it.

But Huxley talks about it a little bit, and I then made sense to me,
“In other words, precious stones are precious because they bear a faint resemblance to the glowing marvels seen with the inner eye of the visionary. ‘the view of the world,’ says Plato, ‘is a vision of the blessed beholders’; for to see things, ‘as they are in themselves’ is bliss and unalloyed and inexpressible”

So gold just makes us remember that we know everything I the world. And are everything

And the fact that scientist turned lead into gold. Is proof! Of the illusion of space and time and separation, it is proof that all things are one.

I can’t really go on

. Read and you will see, meditate and you will see, dream, die, get born, and you will see. Do illegal activity and you will see.

I will try to talk more later.

The entire world is to be said.

1 comment:

  1. Ah Gretchen! :)

    Jon. It's all an illusion. That is the point of the entire class. Illusions. Illusions. Illusions. Illusions. Illusions.

    What does Nabokov say a writer needs to be first?
